
Handwerk & Design / IHM 2024

The annual highlight of my exhibition year: the Handwerksmesse Munich with all its events relating to the world of contemporary jewellery is always a great experience and a rendezvous for the scene. Meeting collectors, friends and colleagues, admiring exciting new works from all over the world and filling up your input memory – that’s Munich every year.

This year I even have the honour of being able to show my pieces within the special SCHMUCK show. Three kinetic brooches with dichroic glass will be on display there. Otherwise, I will of course be at my stand in Hall B1/245, as I have been for the last few years.

Handwerk & Design / IHM

28.02. – 03.03.2024

Wednesday - Sunday, 09:30 - 18:00

Day ticket on site: 15€

Hall B1, Booth 245

Munich Exhibition Center

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