

Bavarian State Prize 2024

for special technical achievements

Michael Berger from Düsseldorf receives the Bavarian State Prize for his kinetic brooch at the IHM in Munich. In addition to the award and a gold medal, the prize is also endowed with 5000 euros.
The jury's reasoning: "The kinetic objects create unseen light effects when in motion. The technically sophisticated and ingenious works captivate with their form, movement and play of light.
Press photo (Bavarian State Press Office) of Michael Berger receiving the award from the Bavarian State Secretary for Economic Affairs, Tobias Gotthardt.


Design Competition

Werner-von-Siemens-Ring 2020

In 2020 it has been the second time winning the design competition for the Werner-von-Siemens-Ring. A very welcome task in this difficult year, to which I dedicated myself with great enthusiasm. The extremely complex construction of the ring and cassette took more than three months. But I think the end result is impressive - although unfortunately the festive award ceremonie had to be postponed due to the pandemic.

This year, the Werner von Siemens Ring will be given to the physicist Prof. Dr. Jens Frahm awarded for his developments in medical magnetic resonance imaging (MRT). Frahm created the basis for a successful transfer of MRT technology into broad clinical application - a completely new imaging method in medicine - and today enables over 100 million examinations per year. Since then, MRI has improved the medical care of people significantly.


Design Competition

Werner-von-Siemens-Ring 2016

A design competition in the field of jewelry design is a rarity, scarcely personalities are honored for special merit with a piece of jewelry. The few exceptions are also rarely open to new design approaches.
A competition like the one advertised 2016 for the Werner-von-Siemens-Ring therefore has been one of the few opportunities to face such a fascinating task.
The clearly defined conditions existed on the one hand in the creation of a ring of gold, the incorporation of a laurel branch with gemstones as a token of honor and the associated jewelry box. In addition, however - and this made the task spontaneously so interesting to me - should also reflect the work of the Honored in the ring.
The award winner Dr. Ing. Martin Herrenknecht has been honored for his work in the field of tunnel boring technology. Gigantic technical marvels mastering your task even under the most difficult conditions.


State Prize for Arts and Crafts NRW


Kinetic table object
Stainless steel, ball bearing, D 200 mm, H 68 mm

Statement of the jury: The futuristic structure fascinates by its form. It tempts you to touch it, if not to stroke it. The imagination of the viewer is required here at a high level.

The object is artistically very interesting, the idea appears in the implementation of new. The craftsmanship can only be described as highly professional and is made according to the material. The hidden technology is not recognizable and this makes the object particularly interesting. The unpredictable and always different movements astound the viewer and cause him to speculate about their cause. As a result, there is a constant communication between the object and the viewer and between the viewer and the viewer.

The object is rightly awarded the State Prize for Arts and Crafts NRW 2009.


Tahitan Pearl Trophy 2007/2008

Spaceman - lapel pocket jewellery

Made for the Tahitian Pearl Trophy 2007/2008, my piece "Spaceman" - a piece for the lapel pocket - won in the category "jewelry for the man" after the first prize national also internationally and thus can be awarded the title Winner International.

By the movement of the wearer a fine Tahitian pearl is freely swinging without touching the fabric. The pearl is framed by 7 diamonds, which also resonate and move around the central pearl like planets. This kind of kinetic jewellery is a complete new design.


Bochum Design Price


Tischobjekt - Michael Berger
Statement of the jury

Kinetic jewelry without motor drive is the focus in the work of Michael Berger. The master goldsmith was honored by the jury for a kinetic table object. The approximately 25 cm large silver object consists of a lenticular body in which a second lens is fixed by means of several ball bearings. By pushing with the hand, the inner lens is capable of long-lasting and unpredictable movements. "Fascinating" was the unanimous opinion of the jury and in addition: "almost too fascinating". Above all, the jury emphasized the high aesthetic value of the object reduced to a basic form. It arouses both the playfulness in humans and, in addition, the curiosity about how it is constructed.