
start’19 – sculpture network

At the same time, we are celebrating three-dimensional art all over the world. Be on-site as part of the international event. In over 20 countries in more than 60 locations – in studios, galleries, museums, sculpture parks, foundries and art academies – art enthusiasts pursue their passion.
Let yourself be inspired, exchange ideas, have lively discussions, make valuable contacts and gather many interesting impressions.

As a new member of the sculpture networks, I am delighted to invite you for the first time to the annual event of the network of three-dimensional art.
I am looking forward to your visit!

Registration is requested until January 24, 2019 at www.sculpture-network.org

start'19 - Sculpt the world with us

Sunday, January 27, 2019, 11:00 am

You are invited to start'19, the international festival of contemporary sculpture
Presented are my latest kinetic works - as well as older projects and unfinished ones. A day of exchange and introduction to the world of kinetics.
11.00 am Beginning of the event
11:30 am Welcome video of sculpture network
12:30 pm Short lecture by Michael Berger on the sculptural works of the Düsseldorf kinetic artist Prof. Friedrich Becker.

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